Exploring the Diversity of Africa
Four Main Themes:
- Diversity of Africa: Africa, the second largest continent in the world, is a very diverse continent. This diversity is articulated in its physical geography and climate; in its plurality of cultures, traditions, beliefs, values, religions, and artistic expressions; in its many modes of economic production, distribution, and consumption; in its diverse social and political structures and practices.
- Africa has a rich history: Africa has a dynamic history; Africa was the birthplace of human societies; it has been home to many great civilizations; its history has been shaped by contact with others through great migrations, wars, slavery, colonialism, the Cold War, and the waxing and waning of state systems.
- Africa Globally Connected: For millennia, Africa has interacted with the outside world. This interaction has facilitated many African contributions and exports to the world, such as agricultural products, minerals, and other material goods, as well as knowledge and cultural expressions. This interaction has also allowed African societies to benefit from imports from the outside world, such as information and other technologies. Special emphasis will be given to Africa's contributions and trade with North America.
- Representations and Stereotypes of Africa: Popular ideas of Africa held by Americans are based on stereotypes which offer fragmented, often inaccurate images of Africa. Throughout the prepared curriculum, we will be purposefully confronting stereotypes and misrepresentations of Africa that are commonly held by many Americans.
CONCEPTS/ VOCABULARY: taken from: www.infoplease.com
- Diversity: Pronunciation: (di-vûr'si-tE, dI-), [key] the state or fact of being of a different kind, form, character; difference; unlikeness.
- History: Pronunciation: (his'tu-rE, his'trE), [key], 1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle; example: a history of Cameroon.
- Globalization : Pronunciation: (glO'bu-lIz"), [key],the act of extending to other or all parts of the globe; making world wide. Example: efforts to globalize the auto industry.
Begin this module with Activity One, or select from one of the other activities.
- Activity One: Five Quick Words
- Activity Two: Images of Africa
- Activity Three: Linked to the World
- Activity Four: Homework